Monday, 23 August 2010

Humours of Bandon

Easiest body in the world, but why do they have to repeat it so many times?! I can't stand a ceili that repeats the body in between each couple dancing the figures. Why? No need. No, no, no. [I iknow it's because it goes with the music but seriously it's exhausting].

With my rant out of the way, here's the actual dance:

- Lead Round
- Body (Sides, Half Right and Left, Sides, Half Right and Left)
- First Figure - Advance Through Centre
- Body
- Opposites repeat First Figure
- Body
- Second Figure - Centre Meet
- Body
- Opposites repeat Second Figure
- Body
- Third Figure - Ladies Chain
- Body
- Finish - Lead Round

304 bars.

If you ever use the TCRG Exam Website for help, they've added the bars up incorrectly on the dance summary sheet. They forgot about the body repeats, so just be aware.

Anyway, I'm confused about the second figure. The book doesn't specify what the 'free' partners are doing during the sidestep and rise and grind bit. Olive has them doing two threes and the rising step, but is this just an embellishment? I think it looks a little "busy" if I'm honest.

1 comment:

  1. If you need some more legible notes (with the ability to be updated more frequently) that include links to video and a short form display that's useful for studying and calling, check out
    Please do let us know if you have any suggestions or questions.
