Monday, 10 September 2012


Sixty-six days to go. This number appeals to me for some reason. It might prove to be the day I actually get revved up and start really working - not just start working, but sustain it all the way through until Glasgow.

The Toronto candidates are waiting for their results, and might hear this week. That kind of inspires my choice of dancing art today:

If I'd painted this (which I didn't, this talented person did), I probably would have called it "Relief". Two rounds over - out of her hands. Nerves conquered. All that's left now is to wait, and perhaps have a hopeful run through of her set. I guess regardless of the result for Toronto candidates, it will be a relief to finally know. TCRG or not, one retake or all. Open a school or open ARF again. One way or the other, it'll be good to know.

So with sixty-six days to go before I even start the exam, let alone sit waiting for results, how am I doing?

The writtens I could, as ever, probably do in my sleep. I think ceili teaching will be ok if I can control my nerves and to be honest, by that point, the worst of it will be over. I'm actually really grateful, thinking about it, for the set-up of the exam. I get to start with my strongest sections and hopefully give myself a confidence boost.

For dancing, I'm almost feeling quietly confident. I know I have good rhythm and I can do a couple of tricks and rhythm sections that will, hopefully, make my steps passable. I still have sets to choreograph, my other sets need tidying, but I'm less negative about this than I have been.

Solo teaching is still a worry. I have no idea what I'll do if they give me an open champ boy and tell me to teach him a hornpipe. Hornpipe is my weakest dance and all the steps I have are very much girls steps. I need to stop panicking about this and ask for help. I do have boys reels options though which I think would be difficult enough for a champ boy. Skater turn, couple of clicks, stamp a bit, done. I guess I'm just kind of assuming that I'll get champ-ish level girls, because most people seem to. I'd die of relief if I was asked to teach a primary reel! Or a light jig!

I'm not under the impression I'll pass first time, but I'm really really hoping that it'll be two sections at most to repeat.

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