Monday, 29 April 2013

Four out of five.

Weekend was fairly productive.

1 - gently run my traditional sets - done! Kicked myself in the shin two bars into St Patrick's Day and set off a nice little bruise, but it was an ok session apart from that. St Pat's itself was fine, not my favourite trad set. I feel like I sink too much in the four trebles. In the Blackbird I tangled my feet in the step (tried to go 'and brush and brush treble and back 23' when of course there's no 'back') but started again and it was fine. Garden I really struggled with especially in the step, but I got myself back on it. I probably haven't danced it since my exam so it's always going to be rusty. Jockey was ok considering it's still quite new to me and I've practised it a grand total of about four time. Three Seas similar - need to work out which foot I'm on in the boxes. Job I actually did correctly all the way through at the first time of asking for the first time in my ENTIRE life. And King, although I only did the step, was ok. More on this....

2 - review King, because it's not sticking in my brain - in progress. I've done a video clip on my phone so that I don't have to always put the dvd on to review, but it's still a source of confusion in places. Must try to actually dance it now.

3 - attempt some hornpipe choreography - well, yes. I've got 8 bars that look really nice in my head and would be good for both dancing and teaching, but my feet won't move fast enough because in my infinite genius I put in a move I can't do. Yet.

4 - work on the new sequence I've learnt recently - forgot about this one.

5 - identify areas for study, ceili-wise - yes, done. Basically I thought through every single dance and wrote a list of things I wasn't sure about - like "which was does the ring go in dance x" or "which side do the gents cross in movement y". I then used the book to answer all my own questions which was quite a useful exercise.

As there's less free time during the working week, I am going to give myself another five tasks but this time I've got five days rather than two. Here we go for w/c 29th April:

1 - go to dancing tonight and practice on a further occasion (definitely heavies, probably trads)
2 - continue to review King
3 - review the ceilis of the first dvd (easier than going in book order as you don't have to keep changing the disc)
4 - hornpipe choreography (I'm scrapping a couple of sets and starting again)
5 - work on the new jig sequence I learnt recently (carried over from the weekend)

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