Thursday, 12 January 2012

"If you get it wrong, you have to get it right. You can't just leave it."

The second post with this title! It does surprise me, how often I return to the wisdom of a ten year old. I have got to start putting more effort into this. I really, really want to be a teacher and I don't have the handy excuse of not being able to afford the TCRG exam anymore. It'll be a stretch but I CAN afford it, so why the delay now?

I know the ceilis, all of them, just need a brush-up and some more practise paper...well, practise. I've taught or contributed to teaching probably half of the ceilis now, including many of the eight hands. I reckon virtually every candidate gets at least one eight hand so I need to do as many of those as possible and be comfortable with them.

Music - fine, brush-up only.

Traditional sets - three out of four ain't bad. They too need a brush-up, and they need to be practised IN SHOES.

Solo dancing...I have a new philosophy on this. Surely, SURELY, they wouldn't mark too cruelly if you'd nailed the traditional sets and writtens, and done well on the teaching. SURELY this is the least important part of the exam. I'm going to try hard not to worry too much about this, and keep it simple. I have a handful of tricks I can throw in and hopefully that'll be enough. I have options for reel, slip jig and jig. For the sets, as short as possible and as simple as possible, with the odd trick in the set part. I am telling myself repeatedly that this will be enough, and that as a prospective teacher it's better to do well on the theory and teaching than on the dancing. Yes?

Solo teaching is something I never do. Hopefully I can start contributing soon, but through watching dancing more frequently I know I can spot faults more readily than I used to. I'm actually quite breezy about this, with my main worry being the difficulty of the steps. I've thought of a way around that, I think...

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