Monday, 16 September 2013

Serious preparation

Last week:

Sunday - ceili class
Monday - ceili and solo class
Tuesday - solo practice
Wednesday - gym
Thursday - teaching practice
Friday - gym
Saturday and Sunday - ok, rest days, but I lilted and revised at least!

I've just got to do this every week for the next 12 weeks or so and I'm done. It hasn't killed my legs as much as I thought it would.

So, this week:

Monday - ceili and solo class (whichever ceilis are thrown at us, plus jig sets)
Tuesday - solo practice (hornpipe sets)
Wednesday - gym (bike/cross trainer/leg machines/core stuff/arms)
Thursday - teaching practice (Four Hand and Glencar reels)
Friday - gym (more of the same, might try the rower)
Saturday - solo practice (not decided yet, slip jig needs a run through and I have a new reel step)
Sunday - ceili class

On it. Car bonnet.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Wall of Inspiration part 2

^ So there's 93 to go. It's what I do with them that counts. I have a spreadsheet mapping out the next 13 weeks of my life, with a dance task plotted in every day. I'm colour coding it - green for success, as in I got off my arse and did my practice or went to the gym that day. Red for failure - did not get up and go. I'm allowed a few reds. But keeping track on screen makes me see how many. I could have a red day today, but then I can't have another red all week. I could have a red day, but look how many pretty greens I've got. Why would I want to taint it with red?
PS - Jessie Leach, please win the Worlds in London. I want to applaud you.

^ Two marks. Nine marks. Nine marks. I'm too close to give up. So I'm not going to - it's happening.

^ "If you want to know where your heart lies, look to where your mind wanders". I love it so much.

^ But only twice.

^ But I have the experience. I'm going to be in the same room. I know exactly what to expect. I know how to fail it. I know why I failed it. I've learnt the lesson.

For part one - go here.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


It's creeping up on us again. The venue's now confirmed. The fees are paid. I'm feeling ok.

I said I wanted to have all my dancing steps choreographed and sorted by the end of August, ready for just practising. I'm happy with all my heavy steps, sets included, and I think I've finalised my light steps but I'm relaxed about leaving those a little longer since I've always been indecisive about reel and slip steps, even as a dancer. I've just got so many running round my head that it's hard to narrow them down - even so I have a definite step for each, and a few maybes. Not concerned about that.

I've been killing the gym a bit so I feel like I'm getting fitter and it's doing my legs good. Not so my feet - a niggle has turned into full blown plantar fasciitis, especially severe in the left foot. What can I do but plough on? I'll rest at Christmas.

I'm feeling really good about ceili teaching and feel like I'm actually quite strong on lilting now which is one of things that let me down last time. I just need to calm myself as my speech speeds up when I'm nervous, I get raging dry mouth, I go pink - I know I know my stuff, I just need to not give them any reason to take off points. Speaking too fast could knock points off under 'clear and audible instruction'. They could knock points off for a lack of confidence, I don't know. It's physical, I can't control it and I'm not like that in a real class situation.

Solo teaching I think will be ok, I've got boys steps ready and again I just need to relax, and break down a bit further than I did last time. Lilting again will pull my marks up this time I hope, and I need to think about where I'll stand and how I'll actually teach it.

I wonder if I wrote a post last year about how I was doing with 99 days to go. I'm infinitely further on this time.