Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Wall of Inspiration part 2

^ So there's 93 to go. It's what I do with them that counts. I have a spreadsheet mapping out the next 13 weeks of my life, with a dance task plotted in every day. I'm colour coding it - green for success, as in I got off my arse and did my practice or went to the gym that day. Red for failure - did not get up and go. I'm allowed a few reds. But keeping track on screen makes me see how many. I could have a red day today, but then I can't have another red all week. I could have a red day, but look how many pretty greens I've got. Why would I want to taint it with red?
PS - Jessie Leach, please win the Worlds in London. I want to applaud you.

^ Two marks. Nine marks. Nine marks. I'm too close to give up. So I'm not going to - it's happening.

^ "If you want to know where your heart lies, look to where your mind wanders". I love it so much.

^ But only twice.

^ But I have the experience. I'm going to be in the same room. I know exactly what to expect. I know how to fail it. I know why I failed it. I've learnt the lesson.

For part one - go here.

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