I'm trying to remain upright and not let this wobble topple me all the way over. Today I've gone through the 23 ceili dances I've learned to date, and tried to write out all the names of the movements.
Perfect = Walls of Limerick, Rakes of Mallow, Siege of Ennis, Bridge of Athlone, Siege of Carrick, An Rince Mor, Harvest-time Jig, Rince Fada, High Cauled Cap, Antrim Reel, Bonfire Dance, Haymaker's Jig, Fairy Reel, Glencar Reel, 8-Hand Reel, Morris Reel, Gates of Derry.
Nearly Right = Haste to the Wedding (I put Swing Around instead of Swing Out), Waves of Tory (I called them Right Wheel and Left Wheels instead of Right & Left Hands Across, and Left & Right Hands Across), Lannigan's Ball (got Stack-Up and Flirtation the wrong way round), 4-Hand Reel (forgot Down the Centre in the body).
Totally Forgot = Humours of Bandon, Duke Reel.
That stands to reason; they were the last two I learned so I've spent the least amount of time on them. I don't have my DVDs with me at the moment so let's review the Duke Reel as I have the clip on YouTube.
We start with Rings. All 3 couples hold hands in a ring and sidestep to the right for 4, two short threes, sidestep to the left for 4, two short threes.
The Body consists of Sides (16), Link Arms, Interlace, and Advance and Retire. The latter three are eight bars each. In Sides, partners sidestep to each other's places, finish with two short threes, and return to places finishing as before. They then continue on in the same direction (ladies towards right, gents towards left) and swap places with the lady or gent of the next couple, returning to partner as before. In Link Arms, partners link arms and turn once in place. Then each dancer heads towards the lady/gent they danced past during Sides, and links arms with them to turn round. All of this is repeated once more and we go straight into Interlace. This is essentially a full chain without taking hands - ladies going clockwise and gents anticlockwise. I think. Advance and Retire is the same as always, performed in a ring.
The First Figure is the Figure of Eight and takes 48 bars. Couple 1 advance towards couple 1 and perform a figure of eight between and around them, lady passing around opposite lady then gent, gent passing around opposite gent then lady. They all take hands in a ring and sidestep left, finishing with two short threes, then break into couples and swing back to place. Then Couple 2 dance around Couple 3, then Couple 3 dance around Couple 1.
The Second Figure is Right and Left Chain, and takes 48 bars as before. It's basically the same as the Right and Left Chain that appears in the body of the 4-Hand Reel, with a complete 8-bar swing around to finish. The couples repeat as above.
The Finish is a complete swing around.
I *should* remember this...
To review the other parts of the exam?
I remember St Patrick's Day up until the end of the set, at which point I've become a little hazy. I haven't danced it in months.
I can't remember any of the Blackbird, and have attempted none of the others.
I haven't done any solo dancing or teaching in months. This due to a life-threatening injury/illness, which I'm not exaggerating about but also don't want to talk about here.
Because of my illness I feel like I'm beating myself up unnecessarily about being lax on my prep, but equally I'm off work and could be doing a lot more. But then my leg is so weak...
Just emotional, don't mind me.
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