Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Sweets of May

I wish it was May :(

Corrections in a different hue as before - I'm yet to decide which colour to use.

First Figure - Rings
All take hands in a ring, sidestep to the left and back then the right and back, finishing each time with two short threes (16).

Cross Over and Back - top couples take inside hands and exchange places, gents left shoulder to left shoulder, turning into places without releasing hands. While top couples are exchanging places couples 3 and 4 dance two threes in place. Side couples exchange in like manner while tops dance two threes. Tops return to place as before, followed by sides (8).
Advance and Retire - tops advance to centre while sides mark time with two threes. Tops retire while sides advance. Sides retire while tops advance, then while tops retire sides mark time with two threes (8).
Ringing the Bells - all beat hands above knees four time (right on right first) then clap hands twice. Repeat. Sidestep past partner and I can't remember! - sidestep past partner and dance two threes in place. Repeat whole movement this time sidestepping back to place (16).

Second Figure - Lead Round

Third Figure - See-Saw
Partners take both hands and swing a complete anticlockwise circle back to place, turning clockwise. Reverse and swing a clockwise circle back to place, turning anticlockwise (16).

Fourth Figure - Sides Under Arms
Tops make an arch under which sides on right pass (2nd sides under 1st tops, 1st sides under 2nd tops). Tops then pass under arch made by sides. Tops turn towards sides on left who pass under their arch (1st sides under 1st tops, 2nd sides under 2nd tops). Tops then pass under arch made by sides (16).

Can't remember if there's a finish or not... Repeat rings.

Not bad! :)

Can I make an announcement please? Of course I can, this is my blog.

I have finished Book Three!!!!!!

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