Thursday, 24 February 2011

Blackbird Part 3

After first starting to learn the Blackbird 1,000 years ago, giving up and not looking at it since, I know it! This is a "so what" moment for most I know, but this is huge for me. And I even learnt all of it wearing my jig shoes. I've worn through the heel of a poodle sock in the process but I'm so proud of myself right now. I even shouted YES incredibly loud when I finished it and startled some passers-by.

& brush & brush treble 12 12 & brush treble 12 12 & brush treble 12 12 & brush treble 12 12 & brush treble hop back treble & 123 over 23 & brush treble in front treble behind

Hop down treble & back hop rock 23 hop rock 23 over 23 over 23 over 23 & treble & back hop change change rock rock brush treble & back treble & back
Hop 23 12 12 hop 23 stamp toe heel over 2345 change point back rock rock treble & a back & brush & brush treble & a back & brush & brush treble in front treble behind.


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