Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Bonfire Dance

Cute dance, nice and slow. Reel, ideally with six couples. From what I can gather from the TCRG board this one comes up loads in exam:

Advance and Retire - same as always but instead of advancing and retiring twice to make up eight bars, you advance in slowly for 4 and retire slowly for 4 (8)
Rings - same as always, sidestepping anticlockwise first, end with two short threes, return clockwise, end with two short threes (8)
Advance and Retire - as above (8)
Rings - clockwise first this time, and end up facing partner (8)

Side-step In and Out - sevens to the right; ladies advancing into the circle and gents moving outwards. Consecutive sevens back to place; no short threes (4)
Link Arms - link right arms with partner and exchange places clockwise; release arms, link left arms and return to place (4)
Side-step In and Out - as before but ladies move outward and gents towards centre (4)
Link Arms - as before, but partners link left arms first (4)

Let's break this up with the clip:

The Rose - ladies advance slowly to centre (4 bars), take hands and sidestep anticlockwise, ending with two short threes. On the second 'three', ladies turn right to face outwards, retake hands in a back-to-back circle and sidestep clockwise, ending with two short threes. While the ladies have been dancing, gents stand with left arm on hip and right toe pointed slightly forward. Ladies now advance to partners then take right hands and turn to finish in original positions (16). Gentlemen now repeat this movement but in the ring, sidestep clockwise first (16).

Swing and Exchange Partners - partners take crossed hands and swing slowly to exchange places (4). Partners bow to each other (1), turn to face new partner (1), bow to new partner (1), and retake hands in ring to recommence.

I actually think this one's quite easy. A few repetitions, and a few variations. Not sure on the bows though - in my head I assumed the partners would all drop hands to bow, and would bow more from the waist, but on this clip they're all holding hands (?) and only bow from the head. I shall wait for Olive to arrive and confirm because the book doesn't say either way.

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