Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Haymaker's Jig

I feel a bit of a tit to be honest as I read this one through ages ago, decided it was too hard, and passed over it. But now that I'm running out of ceilis on list one, I kind of had to try it. So I did, on the bus on the way home, and it's soooo easy. Even the book description is proper straightforward.

Terrible quality video - where's Olive when you need her?

Advance and Retire - Turn in Centre - Swing in Centre - Link Arms - Arch.

Points to note (in my shorthand, will mean nowt to anyone else!);
  • Advance and retire is in (2), out (2), repeat (4), rising step left and right (4), in and out (4)
  • Turn in centre - first gent and last lady go first with right hands. Second time around they go left hands first
  • Swing in centre - each pair only goes in once but they swing for 6 and return for 2
  • Link arms - right arm to partner, left arms to others
  • Arch - is basically the same as Bridge of Athlone, cast off first then top couple make arch and everyone else passes through. End!

Woohoo, that's only three more ceilis to learn from my first lot of 15, and I've got until the end of the month to do it!

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