Sunday, 16 May 2010

Glencar Reel


At first glance I thought the two Figures of Eight and The Waves would be the hardest part of this to get into my head, but it's actually the Full Chain. I'm used to chains where everyone is already boy-girl-boy-girl, but here they start off with a gents line facing a ladies line. Managed to find a mixed rather than girls video, but I still don't get it. A few more watches are in order I think.

Advance and Retire - Ring - Sidestep Through - Figure of Eight - Double Figure of Eight - The Waves - Full Chain.

The first Figure of 8 looks very (hate this phrase) wishy-washy to me though, it almost looks as if they ought to be chaining rather than just dancing around each other. I guess it will look better on the Olive videos. Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you nailed it with time. It just takes some practice and if one can find them, a small group of friends to help you walk through it
